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Blaze Heatlogs

Heatlogs for use in open fires, and multifuel stoves.

Kiln dried logs front  large fe

British Kiln Dried Logs

Our Kiln Dried Logs are in 7L bags.

Dumpy bag kiln dried

Dumpy bag of Kiln Dried logs

A Dumpy bag of kiln dried logs

Dumpy bag seasoned logs

Dumpy Bag of Seasoned Logs

Dumpy Bag of Seasoned Logs



Heatlogs for use in open fires, and multifuel stoves. Its versatility also makes it a good outdoor fuel for use in the summer in a chimenea or fire basket.


Kiln Dried Logs 60L

Kiln dried logs are dried to less than 20% moisture content, ready to burn with low emissions. Ideal for wood burning stoves, multi fuel stoves, pizza ovens, chimeneas and open fires.They are carefully sourced from responsibly managed forests.

Hardwood kiln dried logs

Premium Hardwood Kiln Dried Logs

60L kiln-dried hardwood logs are ideal for open fires, multi-fuel stoves, wood burning stoves and other wood burning appliances.

£20.00 As low as £17.00